Allen McCabe
Allen McCabe has lived in the DC area for over 30 years. His love of history started with an amazing college professor (Kent State ’77) who changed the focus from memorizing facts to understanding ‘why’ something happened and telling the stories around those events.
He loves working for ‘Unscripted Tours’ because it’s a small company – locally owned and managed – focused on providing visitors to Washington the absolute best tours possible – conducted by an amazing group of guides – who are permitted to tell their own stories – develop their own tours – rather than just reciting a ‘canned’ script. It’s a great concept and has proven to be very successful.
Allen has been a volunteer for the National Park Service on the National Mall for over 25 years – accumulating more than 12,000 hours telling the stories of America’s most famous monuments and memorials on The Mall. He's a licensed guide with the city of Washington D.C. He’s also a ‘Guild Certified Guide’ with the Guild of Professional Tour Guides of Washington D.C. – where he serves on the Education Committee. Allen was also honored to be elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund – the founders of ‘The Wall’ – the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Allen still serves on the Board and still volunteers regularly at the memorial. Since retiring from a career in senior management with a Maryland telecommunications company in 2022, he has been able to increase the amount of time he can focus on showing visitors their incredible Capital city. Allen’s focus is Arlington National Cemetery – America’s most hallowed ground and the final resting place for more than 420,000 American heroes and their families.
He lives in beautiful Alexandria, Virginia.
Some of my recommendations and other information: